Earth Day Anniversary Moveable Mural, 2022
Artists: Diedra Krieger and Eurhi Jones
Engineers: Terry Keinz and Ethan Musser
University of Pennsylvania
2500 bottle caps and 100 water bottles
8 ft x 8 ft
Based on the original Earth Day logo, the Earth Day Anniversary Moveable Mural commemorates the 50th anniversary of Earth Day (plus 2 years of Covid delay) and traveled around Penn’s campus during Earth Week in April 2022.
Curating and Organizing
Experiments in Robotic Gestures: Samantha Hensley, Nikkita Staggs, Kathleen McDermott, The Arts League, Philadelphia, PA, November – December, 2022.
Robotics Art Residency at the GRASP Lab at PERCH (organizer), awarded 2020 Sachs Collaborative Provosts Interdisciplinary Grant, University of Pennsylvania, 2020/22
Expressive and Meditative Machines for Imagining New Futures With Technology, Organizer and Curator, 319 N. 11th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107, for Automating Expressions Workshop at ICRA 2022 – Robotics and Art,
As a member of Grizzly Grizzly, led the curation of the exhibition Illuminations: London Tsai and Wen-Ying Tsai, May – June, 2022.