Earth Day Anniversary Moveable Mural, 2022

Artists: Diedra Krieger and Eurhi Jones
Engineers: Terry Keinz and Ethan Musser
University of Pennsylvania
2500 bottle caps and 100 water bottles
8 ft x 8 ft

Based on the original Earth Day logo, the Earth Day Anniversary Moveable Mural commemorates the 50th anniversary of Earth Day (plus 2 years of Covid delay) and traveled around Penn’s campus during Earth Week in April 2022.

Earth Day Instagram Wall, Earth Week, University of Pennsylvania, 2022
Earth Day Instagram Wall at Teach-In, Earth Week, University of Pennsylvania, 2022. Image credit: Kylie Cooper
Work in Progress.

Curating and Organizing

Experiments in Robotic Gestures: Samantha Hensley, Nikkita Staggs, Kathleen McDermott, The Arts League, Philadelphia, PA, November – December, 2022.

Robotics Art Residency at the GRASP Lab at PERCH (organizer), awarded 2020 Sachs Collaborative Provosts Interdisciplinary Grant, University of Pennsylvania, 2020/22

Expressive and Meditative Machines for Imagining New Futures With Technology, Organizer and Curator, 319 N. 11th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107, for Automating Expressions Workshop at ICRA 2022 – Robotics and Art,

As a member of Grizzly Grizzly, led the curation of the exhibition Illuminations: London Tsai and Wen-Ying Tsai, May – June, 2022.