Three video sketches at Screws and Glue: 1. Crunch Crunch Flick; 2. Mountain of Play joins Icosahedron – Stop motion; 3. Encounter with Grid Lattice Chaos Hexagon, 2024. Performance explorations in my installations at my exhibition Screws and Glue. Movement scale for Crunch Crunch Flick was developed with Maleen Jayasuriya at Speed-dating to long-term relationships: Art-robot Residencies Enabled by Common Language, Workshop at ICRA 2024, Yokohama, Japan, May 2024.
Screws and Glue: Diedra Krieger with Plastic Fantastic at Powel and Art Teacher Laurie Doran
Photographs by Benjamin Koditschek
On view: June 6 – July 6, 2024
The Arts League, 4226 Spruce Street, Phila. PA 19104
Reception: 4-7pm Saturday, June 15 // Put a bottle on an Icosahedron panel. Enjoy a snack and beverage.
Hours: Mon-Fri from 1-6 pm, Sat + Sun by appointment
Screws and Glue is the first iteration of bringing mechatronics, developed over a year and a half in Kod*lab, into a Plastic Fantastic inspired immersive environment. The exhibition is comprised of interactive sculpture, large wall pieces, 2D work, video performance, a look into Kod*lab, and thousands of postconsumer water bottles as the primary materials. Earth Day 2024’s Plastic Fantastic at Powel School, a 16 foot geodesic dome covered in over 6000 water bottles collected and constructed by Powel’s elementary students, is reimagined into an immersive Icosahedron.
The small front gallery features work from Kod*lab. An early robotic research video, “Juggler”, 1992, and a researcher portrait video “Can I Have a Pet T.rex”, 2023, loop on a flat screen monitor. The photographs include a portrait of Dan Koditschek, director of Kod*lab, in his office environment with the robots, taken by his son and artist Ben Koditschek.
List of Works – link
Workshop organizer: Speed-dating to long-term relationships: Art-robot Residencies Enabled by Common Language, Friday 17th May 2024, ICRA,